I imagine myself sitting under the shade of palm tree,
My companions are Prophets, we eat berries as we sip tea,
Their shinning eyes are on mine, as I recount my memories,
I tell them how grateful I am to have grown through their stories.
I thank Adam, my first father Who obeyed the devil’s fraud
But taught me to immediately turn my heart back to God.
I then thank Nuh, the person who had suffered but persisted
Who preached nine fifty years, though his people resisted.
I thank Ibraheem, the khaleel, who did not break, did not bend
and through his steadfastness on truth became known as ALLAH’S friend.
I thank Ismail who submitted calmly when Allah asked
And we celebrate al adha for the trial he surpassed
I thank Ya’qoob, whose laments and sorrows turned his both eyes white
but when he showed patience, Allah returned both his son and sight.
I thank Yusuf, who was deceived and thrown in the deep, dark well
But preached his people righteousness even in the prison cell.
I thank Musa,who was put down in a basket on the nile
In his challenging life, Allah guided him through each trial.
I thank Yunus, who was gulped by a whale on a stormy night
but asked forgiveness and became acceptable in God’s sight.
I thank Dawud, the child who went to war, with slingshot in hand
and stood up against tyranny better than any grown man.
I thank Suleiman, who was granted a kingdom huge and wide
who taught me to be thankful of God’s bounties and avoid pride
I thank Esa, who was born to a modest, pious mother
who guided every human to be a God’s devout helper
I thank Muhammad, the beloved leader, the great Prophet
whose legacy has prevailed though many have tried to stop it.
Who suffered enough but was never alone throughout his life
for Allah was his friend in every difficulty and strife.
And My heart beats rapidly when they ask my story as well,
Their calming voices soothe me as I tell each painful detail.
They smile cheerfully as they tell that for me they have all waited
And in JANNAH everyone rejoiced the moment I entered.
And with tears in my eyes, I humbly ask them how could this be
They say You asked Allah’s reward; so JANNAH was His decree.
Saniya Afzal, Associate, GIO Zaheerabad