“It is a process by which one person influences the thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors of others.”[1] Leadership involves creating a vision, providing information and guidelines on how to achieve it, and co coordinating the roles of different individual/parties. It is stimulating individuals towards a common goal. According to leadership Scholar Warren Bennis: “Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.” Leaders differs from managers in the sense that the former does not necessarily involves being in a position/authority, while the latter involves official appointment of authority.
The role and importance of a leader be it in the government, a company or a social or religious organization can never be underestimated. Leaders initiates action. They provide motivation and guidance. They help in creating confidence and building morale.[2] Without any leader people will be confused and hesitant to take any step forward and may not be able to accomplish certain goals. Every successful company/organization today is the product of its founders and leaders. Without leadership the company/organization will not expand and flourish, it will start to decline and eventually cease to function. Leadership involves getting the right things done at the right time by the right people.
Some of the important qualities that a good leader must possess are:
- Integrity: It is the quality that shows our character, honesty, trustworthiness and the social and ethical values you hold.
- Vision : It is that quality that enables us to be farsighted, use our intuition, imagination and creativity to plan ahead for the company’s future, its course of direction, and achieve the set goals
- Courage: It is that quality that can make one stand apart from the crowd, by being bold, taking calculated risks, and facing bravely the consequences and impact of ones actions.
- Responsible: Indeed leadership is all about being responsible rather than being powerful. As it is commonly said: “we are not just responsible for what we do but also for what we couldn’t”.
- Communication: It is the tool which is linked directly to the success of the organization. If there is a good communication network at every stage in the organizational hierarchy, then tasks becomes easy and things run smoothly.
- Positive Attitude: It basically means to be optimistic, seeking more opportunities to grow and develop. It is that trait which shows how we respond to a particular situation.
- Problem Solving: Leaders are those who think out of the box and find solutions to the problems. They don’t see a problem as a burden, but as a chance to try different things.
- Motivation: A good leader not only finds the motivation to do a particular task, but also will be able to inspire and instill the same motivation & inspiration in his followers.
The best of companions was Abu Bakr RA. From the Seerah of our Prophet PBUH, it is mentioned that in the last days of his illness he used to ask Abu Bakr RA to lead the prayers. This was an indication that he is to lead the Ummah after the Prophets death. Following are the leadership qualities that Abu Bakr Siddique RA had:
- Leaders guide the people towards a common goal
Perfect demonstration of Abu Bakr RA as a leader can be witnessed when he addressed people after the Prophet’s death when they were confused and senior companions like Umar RA were also not ready to accept it. At that point he gave a sermon and recited a verse[3] through which he was able to calm down people. This incident proves how effectively he resolved the conflict of the death of our Prophet PBUH by guiding his people through the verse of the Holy Quran and directing them to the worship of Allah.
- Leaders are humble yet brave
The humbleness of the first Caliph can be determined when he first addressed the Muslims after being chosen as Khalifa. He said: “O people, I have been given Authority over you, yet I am not the best of you. If I do well, give me your support, and if I do wrong, set me right. the weak amongst you shall be strong in my eyes, until I secure his rights, Insha Allah; and the strong amongst you shall be weak in my eyes, until I wrest from him the rights of others….Obey me as long as I obey Allah and His messenger, and if I disobey Allah and His Messenger then you owe me no obedience.”[4]
- Leaders are Focused and Dedicated
Abu Bakr RA was Focused and Steadfast in his Mission, i.e. to stabilize and unite the Ummah. This can be seen when he said: “By Allah I will fight with those who distinguish between Salah and Zakah. By Allah if they refuse to give me even the cord for hobbling a camel, which they used to pay as Zakah at the time of Allah’s Messenger, I would fight them for withholding it”.[5] This is true dedication towards ones mission.
- Leaders are strong but also polite
After the death of Prophet PBUH, an expedition led by Usama ibn Zayd was to be dispatched for Rome/Byzantine. While sending them off, Abu Bakr RA advised the commander about the rules of war. “Do not be deserters, nor be guilty of disobedience. Do not kill an old man, a woman or a child. Do not injure date palms and do not cut down fruit trees. Do not slaughter any sheep or cows or camels except for food. You will encounter persons who spend their lives in monasteries. Leave them alone and do not molest them.”[6] In this short advice, the politeness and softness of Abu Bakr is demonstrated while being in a strong position of a leader.
- Leaders are kind but not weak
Abu Bakr Siddique RA dispatched envoys with a message to all the tribes that had committed apostasy after the death of Prophet PBUH. His message read: “I have learnt with regret that under the misguidance of the Devil you have apostatized from Islam, the true faith of God. I am sending to you a Muslim force consisting of the Muhajreen and the Ansar. I have instructed them not to launch the attack against you, without offering you lslam in the first instance. He who repents, re-enters the fold of Islam, desists from hostile activities against Islam, and does good deeds will be forgiven and granted amnesty. He who refuses to accept Islam, and persists in hostilities will be given no quarter. Force will be used against him, and it will not be possible for him to avert that Allah has ordained for him. Such persons will be put to sword, slaughtered, or burnt to death. Their women and children will be taken captive. Nothing short of allegiance to Islam will be accepted.”[7] This message shows his kindness in dealing yet at the same time his ability to communicate effectively.
- Leaders are disciplined and sets the right example
During his Caliphate, there also arose the issue of the land of Fadak. This land was acquired by Prophet PBUH. After his death, his daughter Fatima RA wanted to inherit the land, but Abu Bakr Siddique said that Prophets do not leave inheritance. After his caliphate, Umar RA also did the same and it is still managed by the ruler.[8] This way he set up the example that Prophets command must be followed, even though it may be against his own family.
- Leaders forgive mistakes and trust their followers
Abu Bakr Siddique appointed Khalid bin Waleed RA as a commander during many of the battles in his time. Once khalid RA killed a man and married his wife. The killing was not justifiable according to Islam. But he was unaware of the situation and killed the man. However Abu Bakr RA understood the situation and compensated with the blood money to that man’s relatives.[9] He forgave the mistake of his fellow companion because he trusted him as he was called as the Sword of Allah by the Prophet PBUH himself.
- Leaders are trouble shooters and conflict resolvers
In the above examples of khalid bin Waleed, Usamah bin Zayd and the death of Prophet PBUH, he clearly demonstrated his ability to resolve these conflicts.
- Leaders are farsighted
He appointed Umar bin Al Khattab RA as the next Khalifa with the consultation of other senior Sahaba. This shows his farsightedness and deep concern regarding the welfare of the Ummah. He also started the work of compilation of the Holy Quran, even though it was a matter of dispute at that time due to the fear of Innovation. Yet, considering the larger benefit of the ummah, he gave his consent and handed this task to Zayd ibn Sabith and his team.
Written By:
Afeefa Hannana
Member, Malakpet Unit
Girls Islamic Organisation, T&O